FUC - Fission Uranium Corp
FUC stands for Fission Uranium Corp
Here you will find, what does FUC stand for in Mining under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fission Uranium Corp? Fission Uranium Corp can be abbreviated as FUC What does FUC stand for? FUC stands for Fission Uranium Corp. What does Fission Uranium Corp mean?The Canada based company is located in Kelowna, British Columbia engaged in mining & metals industry.
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Alternative definitions of FUC
- First Union Center
- Funny / Useful / Cool
- Frederick University Cyprus
- Federal University of Ceará
- First Uranium Corporation
- Finnmark University College
- Frederick University Cyprus
- Fired Up Corporation
View 27 other definitions of FUC on the main acronym page
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- FG The Fitzpatrick Group
- FTC Family Thrift Center
- FSL Forte Securities Limited
- FRHL Flagstone Reinsurance Holdings Ltd.
- FCG Flatwoods Consulting Group
- FLS Fort Lauderdale Strikers
- FAFIL First Auto Finance Ireland Ltd
- FNA Focus North America
- FSCU Family Savings Credit Union
- FI The Fertilizer Institute
- FRL Farsight Recruitment Ltd
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- FEPL Fine Equipments Pvt. Ltd.